Wednesday 3 December 2014

Last day

We popped over to the Moses Mabhida stadium - this was built for 2010 World Cup and looks like they nicked some ideas from Wembley!
You take a ride up in the sky car on one of the spans to get the best views

We've got a few hours to kill before the flight home so the beach is beckoning. 

Airline humour!

When we got to Joburg there was a lovely choir singing Christmas carols for us - really made me feel the holiday was over

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Day 14 Durban

Getting towards the end of our hols now - just one day to go.
We decided that we would take a bus tour round the town - we we walked down to the start point there was a sign saying the tours were cancelled for the week - hey ho
So we took a taxi up to Victoria Market - it's full of Indian/Chinese stores and bustling with people. The cab driver said that we should categorically not walk anywhere day or night - only use taxis - this was because of the street gangs of children that steal and rob from tourists and anyone else for that matter. I figured this chap was not working for the Durban Tourist Board and when he suggested that we should use his services for the rest of the day I thought it'll probably be cheaper to be robbed by the street children - needless to say we declined his kind offer and walked around the city for the rest of the day. At no time did we feel uncomfortable - it's a shame that some people like to scare the bejesus out of you.

We spent a bit of time down on the beach and had a lovely lunch with the Indian  Ocean as the backdrop 

Monday 1 December 2014

Day 13 Durban

Don drove us down to Durban via the back roads through an area called 1000 hills - this is where a lot of Zulu live - the better off ones anyway - the land belongs to the king and they are given a plot of land and they can build on it - they are never going to own their plot - but it can be handed down through the families. 
The scenery is stunning 
Stop for a quick coffee and scones
This lady wanted to sell us some goodies 
Of course we bought.

Checked into our hotel this afternoon and went for a stroll on the prom.
Durban is the largest town in KwaZulu Natal province - about 3.5 M people living here - it's the biggest port as well. And has the largest Indian population in any city outside of India.