Monday 1 December 2014

Day 13 Durban

Don drove us down to Durban via the back roads through an area called 1000 hills - this is where a lot of Zulu live - the better off ones anyway - the land belongs to the king and they are given a plot of land and they can build on it - they are never going to own their plot - but it can be handed down through the families. 
The scenery is stunning 
Stop for a quick coffee and scones
This lady wanted to sell us some goodies 
Of course we bought.

Checked into our hotel this afternoon and went for a stroll on the prom.
Durban is the largest town in KwaZulu Natal province - about 3.5 M people living here - it's the biggest port as well. And has the largest Indian population in any city outside of India.

1 comment:

  1. You really are seeing some great stuff. Beautiful scenery. At 17 my dad visited South Africa in the 2nd World war. He loved the Durban area,It left a very big impression on him. I want 'maps' and where you stopped when you get back Dave. Veertrekers that you are.
