Saturday 22 November 2014

Day 3 still in Knysna

This morning we went inland to the Goudvelt Forest - there are some walking trails around there and we felt like we needed to get out and about. A beautiful day and a nice drive there - there's an area called Millwood which was a bit of a gold rush town in the 1880's a couple of people found gold nuggets so virtually overnight a town sprang up - unfortunately 20 years later the gold became scarce and uneconomical to mine so it became a ghost town - there is very little of it left now but a couple of buildings have been preserved. 
The other thing they did was woodcutting - whole communities who moved around from one area to another cutting trees and transporting them off the mountains. Most of these people came here from the UK - really harsh conditions and a huge amount of infant mortalities from malnutrition.
Anyway that's your history lesson for today - here's a picture of me paddling in the watering hole -
We dropped into the local brewery (Mitchells) and had a tour round and a beer tasting (Coral declined for some reason) very tasty - the Milk and Honey brew gets my vote.
On to Knysna Heads - Tom & Lisa will like this one - happy days!

And this is our gaff - a lovely place perched on the end of the peninsula
Dinner in the Oyster and Tapas bar - oysters £0.90 each


  1. Beers at the Cross Keys never looks like that ! So enjoying pics especially when it is grey and drizzling here keep 'em coming Cp x

    1. I know what you mean but it's nice to share with friends

  2. Yes, You're bringing some sunshine into our wet and drab days here. Loved the history lesson Dave. That house looked very similair to my neighbours on Sheppey. Beers looked very good as well. We are battening down the hatches here for 24 hours of heavy rain forecast, so enjoy yourselves while you can there. Cheers
