Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 8

Have moved on from PE today - but not before I sorted the Christmas shopping and prezzies - 
This enterprising chap is selling Xmas trees and bow and arrows!!

We are heading for Addo Elephant Park - it's just 50ml up the road but we have moved from a comfortable 20c to 40c here - it's a hot one! 
We got here a couple of hours ago and after a cool down in the pool we are sorting out the itinerary here for the next couple of days - we drove out in the park and found some wildlife.

A hard working dung beetle - no dung though - he must be taking a day off
You wait for a tortoise then 2 show up!

We went on a night drive and the first thing we saw was a mum and baby elly
Elephants eat all the time but only digest about 20% of it so that's good news for the dung beetle. There are about 600 elephants in the park.
We also saw the usual kudus, eland, zebras, jackals and then we came across these two
The Land Rover stopped 10feet away from these two males. There are only 8 lions in the park - there used to be over 20 but they were killing everything in sight so to manage the other wildlife in the park they decided to move most of the lions out. So we were really lucky to find these.


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