Thursday 20 November 2014


Here we are for our seafood feast
Scallops and Calamari to start and then fresh kinglip and white salmon (yes there is such a thing) for desert mavala pudding (that's treacle pudding on speed really) - the whole meal absolutely delicious - and the bill? - well it's 400R - that's a big £24!!
OK you bring your own wine/beer but that's a bargain isn't it?
But here is the moral dilemma - I stopped at the offie for the wine but was asked by a very polite black fella outside to buy him a bottle of SBO - that's cheap sherry stuff - so should I buy or ignore him or maybe give him a few Rand? I wasn't going to buy it (it was about £1.50) but then I thought, why not? I did buy it and he was set for the evening (and his two friends) - what would you have done?? ........


  1. Looking good guys, obviously no rip-off sea food there. Considering 'to buy or not to buy!' To be discussed over supper at No 30 one eve x Cp

  2. Lovin the blog you Sweets. The Whale watch looked fab and the seafood meal. Good question on the 1.50 bottle of pop. I think I'm inclined to say no unless the person has a 'character' or makes me smile. Then I'll buy anyone a beer and so would you I think! Off into the wintery rain to sell stuff now. Cheers, Steve
